Slack Integration

To further enhance team collaboration, you can integrate Slack with to let your GenStudio conversations go directly to your Slack channel. This allows your team to collaborate seamlessly.

Enable Slack from the Control Center

You must have admin access of your Slack workspace to perform this action. In the Integrations section of your Control Center, choose Apps, and then click the Add button of Slack.

After that, you will be redirected to a new page where you can allow to access your Slack workspace. Click Allow and then check the Control Center again to check if Slack has been added successfully. This step is only required by the GenStudio workspace owner or admins. The following step can be done by any user in your workspace.

Add app to a Slack channel

In your Slack workspace, choose any channel that you want to receive GenStudio conversation messages, and add the app to that channel. The channel can be public or private, and each one will have a different way to connect to Slack.

Send messages to a public channel

For public channels, has already been able to see all of them after you connect Slack in the Control Center, so you don't have to configure more. Any user in your GenStudio Workspace can choose to connect their conversations to a public Slack channel. Here are the steps they need to do:

  1. Choose a conversation in the left sidebar and enable Collaboration

  2. Toggle the Share to Slack button

  3. In the Pick a channel dropdown, choose a public channel. Ensure that app has been added to that channel as discussed in the previous section.

  4. Click the Send button next to the dropdown. If successful, you will see new messages in that Slack channel posted by If you have not added the app, you will see a message right under the dropdown explaining why.

Authorize Slack to send messages to a private channel

For private channels, each user will have to authorize with Slack. The steps are slightly different:

  1. Choose a conversation in the left sidebar and enable Collaboration

  2. Toggle the Share to Slack button

  3. In the Authorized applications, click Authenticate right next to Slack. The user will be redirected to a new page to authorize Slack.

  1. If the authorization succeeds, the Pick a channel dropdown will now contain additional private channels that the user is in and has the app. User can now connect their private channel with a GenStudio conversation.

Disconnect the channel

In both cases, if you want to disconnect the channel and the conversation, you can either click the red End share button in the popup above, or remove the app from that channel.

Last updated