Nov 6th 2023

Welcome to our updated platform! We've added new features, made improvements, and fixed bugs for a seamless and efficient experience. Let's explore what's new.


New Features

  • Share to Slack: Collaboration just became easier! You can now share content directly to Slack from our platform.

  • Additional Languages: We've expanded our language support! GenStudio now supports 10 additional languages, allowing for a more inclusive user experience.


  • Image Display: To provide a better viewing experience, we've added a maximum width limit for generated images.

  • Sign-in and Sign-up Pages UI: We've made the spaces between FA sign-in and sign-up pages consistent and also changed the email field icon for a more intuitive user interface.

  • Re-share Collaborative URL: You can now re-share collaborative URLs, making team collaboration more efficient.

Bug Fixes

  • Unauthorized Okta User Error Message: We've improved the error message displayed for unauthorized Okta users for better clarity.

  • Logout Flow: Fixed a bug where setting the locale cookie prevented the logout flow. You should now be able to log out smoothly.

  • Deleting Active Conversations: We've fixed the issue where deleting active conversations was problematic. You can now manage your conversations more efficiently.

  • Message Deletion: Deleting a message no longer causes all messages of the conversation to appear in the "unread" state.

Control Center

New Features

  • Streaming Response: Responses are now streamed in real-time, providing consistent and live updates.

  • Addition of 10 New Languages: Control Center now supports 10 new languages, making it even more user-friendly and accessible.


  • Okta Integration: We've enhanced our Okta integration capabilities, providing a more secure and streamlined user experience.

Bug Fixes

  • Access to Private Pages in Control Center: We've fixed an issue where unauthenticated requests could access some private pages in Control Center.

  • Email Authentication Toggle: Users can now turn off email authentication in Control Center as expected.

Last updated