Jul 26th, 2024

This release adds snapshot and file upload improvements to GenStudio, and better login redirection to Control Center. Enjoy smoother workflows and smarter management!


New Features

  • Snapshot Generation: Now you can easily generate snapshots with just a click, simplifying your workflow.

  • Public Snapshot View: Share your snapshots publicly with a new view feature for better collaboration.


  • File Upload Tooltip: Hover over uploaded files to see their full names, making it easier to identify your files.

  • Revamped Message Sending: Improved the process of sending messages with file uploads for a smoother experience.

Bug Fixes

  • Text Overflow: Fixed text overflow issues in the rememberizer integration component for better readability.

  • Breadcrumbs and Default Conversations: Improved navigation by fixing default conversations and breadcrumbs.

Control Center

New Features

  • Enhanced Login Experience: Now, when you log back in, you'll be redirected to the last page you visited, ensuring a seamless experience.

  • Logout Path Memory: The system will remember your last visited path on logout, making your next login smoother.

Bug Fixes

  • Smooth Sign-Up: Fixed the sign-up redirection to ensure new users are smoothly transitioned to the sign-in page upon registration.

Last updated