Nov 12th 2023

Welcome to our latest update! We've been working hard to enhance your experience with new features, improvements, and fixes. Below, you'll find the most user-impactful changes.


New Features

  • Slack Member Authorization: Effortlessly manage team access with the new integration for Slack member authorization.


  • Infinite Scrolling: Enjoy a seamless conversation experience with the new infinite scrolling feature, allowing you to browse without interruption.

Bug Fixes

  • Unread Message Status: Resolved an issue where deleting a message would mark the entire conversation as unread.

  • Documentation Links: Fixed documentation links to ensure they work correctly across multiple language versions.

  • Message Trimming: Upgraded litellm to prevent unintended message trimming for a clearer conversation history.

Control Center

New Features

  • Azure AD & Okta Script: Gain better control over application settings with a script that disables Azure AD and Okta across all current applications.

  • Automatic Azure AD Disable: New accounts will now have Azure Active Directory disabled by default for enhanced initial security.


  • More Data Per Page: View up to 100 items per page, reducing the need to flip through pages to find what you need.

  • Security Enhancements: Updated package versions to address and resolve known vulnerabilities, keeping your data safe.

Bug Fixes

  • Smooth Sign-Up: Fixed the sign-up redirection to ensure new users are smoothly transitioned to the sign-in page upon registration.

Last updated