Aug 2nd, 2024

This release adds recommended LLM models, improves snapshot management, and enhances performance. Control Center now supports Mistral Large 2 and removes FusionAuth.


New Features

  • Recommended LLM Models: Discover our highlighted Large Language Models (LLMs) to make informed choices and enhance your projects.


  • Snapshot Management: Enjoy an improved snapshot management modal for a better user experience.

  • Display Name Update: We've updated the display names for models to make them more intuitive.

Bug Fixes

  • Nullable Account Names: Fixed an issue where account names could be null, ensuring smoother operation.

  • Duplicate Tooltip: Fixed the duplicate tooltips for delete and copy buttons for clearer navigation.

Control Center

New Features

  • Mistral Large 2 Support: Added support for Mistral Large 2 in SkyDeck, giving you more options to enhance your work.

Last updated